Thursday, March 24, 2011

Manning Park Resort

Holiday….and we planned a big Trip to Manning Resort. 2,5 hours drive…… was worth it!


we`ve never seen this amount of snow here in British Columbia!

we were all so happy..

the Boys for the first time on the ski

and after a few times , it went very well….

Bravo Jonathan! on the End of the day he went alone……we could`t belive it! we never forget this experience ….

Even Mami tried…..last time was years ago! it
was amazing………feel like “home”!

  Matheo tried as well, look how proud he isSmiley


Vancouver Science World

with the Bus and the Skytrain we are going to the big City Vancouver, visiting Science World….

it is special for all of us, because we usually don`t take the public transport…….we are excited and happy!

here we go! a lot of things to discover……


Vancouver is such a nice City with the Sea and Downtown, always impressive for us!

Birthday Christophe

Happy Birthday dear Daddy, Happy Birthday to you.......many days before the kids were already singing…..finally daddys day arrived!

what a surpriseSmiley daddy didn`t know that we invited our friends for the birthday cake…… was exciting!

Thank you for coming! we really appreciate you all…..

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Swimming lessons

it`s cold…..towel please!

Matheo jumped out of the water like a frog Smiley

in the back you see his coach Michael! Matheo is ready to start with the Jellyfish- group
backfloat training…..

Jonathan is in the Salmon-Group , here with Coach Stéfanie

Every Groups has 4 Kids, 1 Coach and 1 Volunteer! We like that….

Swimming lessons

bitterkalt...bitte sofort ds Tüechli ;-)

dr Matheo isch wiene Frosch usem Bassin gumpet, aber gar nid welle i Kamera luege......( Fötzu)

im Hintergrund Coach Michael, Matheo parat zum afa mit Gruppe Jellyfish

beim üben des backfloats

Jonathan ist bei der Gruppe Salmon, Coach Stéfanie

Jede Gruppe besteht aus 4 Kindern, 1 Coach, 1 Volunteer!